Linggo, Hulyo 10, 2011

DotA Heroes


The Invoker is the most well-rounded spellcasting hero, due to his massive array of spells. Using his three elemental reagents and his Invoke skill, the Invoker can utilize a total of 10 different spells. Due to his complexity and fragility, the Invoker is a bad choice for newer players. With some experience, however, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. The Invoker is capable of massive area of effect damage, powerful disabling spells, very strong summons, and potent enchantments. While other spellcasters tend to be focused in one area, the Invoker has the ability to change his role at will. His spells tend to start out weaker than comparable abilities, but since his reagents have 7 levels each his potential spell power is very high. Although mastering his spells takes perhaps the most practice of any hero, he is definitely worth the time.

One of only two melee intelligence heroes, on the surface the Ogre Magi appears to be a regular offensive spellcaster with limited buffing capabilities. However, the true power of this hero is revealed when his passive Multicast skill comes into play. Similar to a passive critical strike, Multicast allows the Ogre Magi's spells to hit multiple times. His Fireblast spell is a decent but unremarkable spell on its own, but a Multicasted Fireblast is capable of dealing huge damage and stunning a target for a long time. Bloodlust provides a great speed bonus to a single target, and a Multicasted Bloodlust gives that same bonus to the Ogre's entire team. Ignite is a fairly weak single target slow without Multicast, but gains a large area of effect with more levels of Multicast. Although he is not very threatening without it, the Ogre Magi becomes quite deadly once he starts throwing Multicasts around.

DotA Heroes


The Batrider is a highly mobile raider hero, adept at causing confusion and doing a lot of damage quickly. Before moving in for the kill, the Batrider tends to soften up his target with Sticky Napalm, a stacking debuff skill which slows movement speed and turn rate. When he is ready to make his move, the Batrider uses his explosive Flamebreak spell, which strikes the first enemy unit it hits, exploding and knocking back nearby units. When his enemies are sufficiently demoralized, the Batrider swoops in using his Firefly ability and grabs a target hero with Flaming Lasso. This ability allows the Batrider to drag a target hero behind him, pulling the hapless victim away from the safety of his allies and in to the waiting clutches of his enemies. Although he may seem like a support hero, the Batrider is capable of dealing enormous damage with Sticky Napalm, Flamebreak, Firely, and his regular attack, due to the stacking damage provided by Sticky Napalm. It's best to be wary when faced against this hero, as his seemingly suicidal attacks can turn out a lot more dangerous than they appear.

DotA Heroes

 Mirana(Priestess of the Moon)

The Priestess of the Moon is known for her deadly Arrow, which while difficult to land, will stun a target longer when fired from further away. She can send Stars down upon enemies around her to deal damage, and land an additional Starfall to one target at her feet. Mirana can also Leap small distances to escape or chase, and when she touches down, allies in the area are enchanted with movement speed. Her ultimate Moonlight Shadow enables her to briefly render her entire team invisible, for a group surprise attack or retreat. While always hard to catch, Mirana is most deadly and feared when keeping her own prey from fleeing.

DotA Heroes

 Nevermore(Shadow Fiend)

A demon of the burning legion so abhorred that he makes the skin of even his fellow demons crawl, Nevermore is a creature of the shadows that consumes the souls of those around him. When the Shadow Fiend comes forth to battle, he augments his power with the souls he has consumed, bearing down on his enemies with spiritually enhanced attacks and powerful spiritual blasts. The Shadow Fiend is a terrifying opponent whom few have survived, and those who have perished under his tyranny have faced the most despicable fate of all.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 6, 2011

My Life in Computer

I'm student in Central Luzon State University. my major is Information Technology (IT). So computer is very important. It's same my life. almost time, I'm beside computer, both home and school. To learn, search Information, playing Games and many other thing.

At home, I used computer to do my homework, playing games. Sometimes, I design my pictures which I and my best friend take when we go to parties, Holidays and many more. . . When I have free time (at weekend), I contact everyone, chat with my friends, listen music, play some game which I like (Basketball).

At night, I'm surf web to search information to learn. I think if you know how do you find information then you will have necessary information value to you. Now, I think web page is popular, you use it to find information you need.

 I always read news or watching T.V news everyday to have many knowledge about world, sociality, entertainment and many more.

Finally, when I'm sad, internet is place I find. Because I can do whatever I want in here. Like in facebook, I can post here what I feel.